Elvyra Piškinaitė

She was born in 1957, in Vilnius. In 1975, she graduated from Širvintai Secondary School (now Laurynas Stuoka Gucevičius Secondary School). In 1975-1979, she studied acting at the State Conservatory (now the Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy), (course tutors – D. Tamulevičiūtė, I. Bučienė). Since 1979, she has been working in Vilnius Theatre Lėlė. E. Piškinaitė created roles in cinema, television series and performances, as well as made voice records for numerous cartoons on Lithuanian television, dubbed films at the Lithuanian Film Studio.

Roles by E. Piškinaitė in Vilnius Theatre Lėlė:

2021 Various roles | CINDERELLA | Script writer and director N. Indriūnaitė, designer A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė, composer V. Aškelavičius

2020 Various roles | N. Indriūnaitė CLOUDS | Director, designer A. Paukštienė, playwright N. Indriūnaitė, composer F. Latėnas, choreographer S. Mikalauskaitė, video projection designer V. Žumbys

2019 The Storyteller, Mother, Boy | DUCK, DEATH AND THE TULIP (based on the book by Wolf Erlbruch) | Director J. Trimakaitė, designer C. Guyo, composer T. Demay

2017 Various roles | N. Indriūnaitė STORIES OF FLOWERS (based on the book by A. Sakse) | Director N. Indriūnaitė, designer A. Bagočiūniatė Paukštienė, composer F. Latėnas, choreographer S. Mikalauskaitė

2016 The Witch, other | S. Geda A GIRL AND A LARK THAT SINGS AND DANCES | Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė, composer O. Ditkovskis, choreographer S. Mikalauskaitė

2013 Grandmother Storyteller | THE SNOW QUEEN (based on the tale by H. Ch. Andersen) | Director N. Indriūnaitė, designer A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė

2011 The Storyteller, Orphan, Witch, others | THE GOLD APPLE TREE, THE WINE WELL | Director R. Driežis, designer M. Jonutis

2009 Various roles | A STAR HAS RISEN (based on the poems by A. Strazdas) | Director and designer A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė, composer F. Latėnas

2007 Eglė | EGLĖ, THE QUEEN OF SERPENTS | Scriptwriter, director and designer V. Mazūras, composer F. Latėnas

2007 Clara, Mare, Push-pull, Skinny Lady | DOCTOR DOLITTLE | Director R. Driežis, designer A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė

2006 She | GRANDMOTHER‘S TALE | Director C. Csato, designer J. Skuratova

2006 Grandmother | J. Kunčinas THE WITCH AND LUKOŠIUKAS | Director A. Mikutis, designer E. Ganda-Bogdanienė, composer A. Malcys, choreographer S. Mikalauskaitė

2005 The Spruce, Grandmother | N. Indriūnaitė THE WHITE TALES | Director N. Indriūnaitė, designer A.  Paukštienė

2005 Little Barbora | SILVESTER FIFE | Director and designer R. Driežis

2004 The King, Shadows | THE TALE OF KINGS | Director and designer R. Driežis

2003 Stepmother | SNOW WHITE AND SEVEN DWARFS | Director N. Indriūnaitė, designer N. Keršulytė

2002 The Goat | S. Maršakas THE CAT‘S HOUSE | Director  A. Mikutis, designer A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė, composer A. Kulikauskas, song author J. Čekatauskaitė

2001 The Palace Lady | THE PRINCESS AND THE SWINEHERD (based on the fairy tale by H. Ch. Andersen) | Director A. Mikutis, designer N. Keršulytė, composer O. Ditkovskis

2000 The Frog, Mouse, others | THUMBELINA (based on the fairy tale by H. Ch. Andersen) | Director and designer R. Driežis, composer F. Latėnas

1999 The Fox, Alice | THE ADVENTURES OF BURATINO | Pageant creator and director E. Jaras, designer A. Šulcaitė, R. Valčik, composer S. Mikolaitis

1997 The Sparrow | A. Gricius THE INCIDENT AND FOUR SPARROWS | Director A. Mikutis, designer Aušra Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė, composer S. Dikčiūtė

Since 1995 The Hare, other | E. Ignatavičius THE FOX QUEEN  (based on the fairy tale by P. Cvirka) | Director and designer R. Driežis, composer V. Urmilevičius

1993 Little Red Riding Hood | V. Mazūras LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD (based on the Little Red Riding Hood) | Director and designer V. Mazūras

1991 Cinderella | CINDERELLA | Director and designer V. Mazūras

1990 Barbora | J. Grušas BARBORA RADVILAITĖ | Director and designer V. Mazūras

1989 Erysipelas | S. Geda  THE MEASLES | Director V. Mazūras, designer R. Kriščiūnaitė, composer F. Latėnas

1987 Omolis | R. Tagorė THE MAIL | Director and designer R. Driežis

1986 Belisa | F. G. Lorca THE PUPPET PLAY OF DON CRISTOBAL. DON PERLIMPLIN‘S LOVE | Director and designer V. Mazūras, composer F. Latėnas

1986 The Ox, others | R. Baltrušaitis FLICK | Director and designer V. Mazūras, composer F. Latėnas

1985 The Hare, Musician | A. Gudelis THE CARPENTER, THE THUNDER GOD AND THE DEVIL | Director and designer R. Driežis, composer G. Vanagaitė

1985 Maria | E. T. A. Hoffman THE NUTCRACKER AND THE MOUSE KING | Pageant creator S. T. Kundrotas, director and designer V. Mazūras, composer F. Latėnas

1984 The Antelope, Donkey, other | THE ANIMALS' CARNIVAL | Libretto by G. Mareckaitė, director L. Lankauskaitė, designer A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė, composer C. Saint- Saens and M. Urbaitis, choreographer J. Smoriginas

1984 Maya the Bee |  J. Mačiukevičius MAYA, THE BEE | Director and designer V. Mazūras

1983 The Hen, Rooster, other | G. Mareckaitė TWO ROOSTERS | Director L. Lankauskaitė, designer B. Cvirkienė, composer A. Jegelevičius

1983 The Girl, Death | J. Knauth NIGHTINGALE (by H. Ch. Andersen) | Director and designer V. Mazūras

1983 The Sparrow | J. Radičkovas  WE, THE SPARROWS | Pageant creator and G. Mareckaitė, director L. Lankauskaitė, designer V. Mazūras, composer O. Balakauskas

1982 The Storyteller | R. Skučaitė THE SECRET OF THE LOST POSTCARD | Director A. Saviskaitė, designer J. Račinskaitė

1982 The Little Herd | THE CHIMNEY-SWEEP‘S WHITE DREAMS (based on the tales by H. Ch. Andersen) | Director L. Lankauskaitė, designer N. Poliakova

1982 The Doll (lith. Caca) | A. A. Jonynas A CIRCUS IS A CIRCUS | Director and designer V. Mazūras

1981 The Puss in Boots | H. Kahlau PUSS IN BOOTS | Director A. Ragauskaitė, designer V. Mazūras, composer F. Latėnas

1981 The Spruce, Aspen | M. Martinaitis THE EARTH‘S DAUGHTER | Director and designer V. Mazūras, composer M. Urbaitis

1980 The Little Shell | THE FISHERMEN AND PIRATES | Director A. Ragauskaitė, designer V. Mazūras, composer L. Vilkončius

1980 The Piglet Nuf | S. Michalkov THE THREE LITTLE PIGS | Director and designer V. Mazūras, composer M. Urbaitis

1979 Mary, Herd | M. Rozovski THE HORSE‘S HISTORY (based on the fairy tale Kohlstomer by L. Tolstoy) | Director I. Bučienė, designer A. Preikšienė, composer F. Latėnas

1978 The Girl | S. Geda A GIRL AND A LARK THAT SINGS AND DANCES | Director and designer V. Mazūras, composer M. Urbaitis

Since 1978 The Witch, Fox, others | A. Puišytė THE SUN IN THE ICE TOWER | Director and designer V. Mazūras, composer A. Lapinskas, choreographer V. Petruškevičius



2012 The Prize for the Best Actress of the Festival in the International Grodno Puppet Theatre Festival Puppets over the Neman.

2012 The Golden Stage Cross Award and the premium of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania for the performance The Gold Apple-tree, The Wine Well (the entire creative team awarded).