Aušra Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė was born in 1955. In 1978 she graduated from Kaunas Applied Arts Technicum (artistic design specialty). In 1984 she graduated from the Lithuanian State Art Institute (now Vilnius Academy of Arts) where she studied scenography (mentor - Regina Songailaitė-Balčikonienė). In 1988 A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė completed the courses of scriptwriting and directing in Moscow (mentor – Vitalijus Mazūras). Since 1984 she has been working as a designer, director and creates design for theatre ads and publications in Vilnius Theatre Lėlė. A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė created performances not only in Vilnius Theatre Lėlė, but also in Lithuanian State Drama Theatre, Panevėžys Puppet Wagon Theatre, Kaunas State Puppet Theatre, Lithuanian Television, National Library of Martynas Mažvydas, Theatre Boy The Pea. She created illustrations for books, posters, paper plastic installations. Since 2004 she has been a member of UNIMA Association.
Creative work by Aušra Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė in Vilnius Theatre Lėlė:
2022 Director, designer | RIDDLE(S) | Composer V. Leistrumas, choreographer S. Mikalauskaitė
2021 Designer | CINDERELLA | Director, scriptwriter N. Indriūnaitė, music V. Aškelavičius
2020 Director, designer | CLOUDS | Screenwriter N. Indriūnaitė, music F. Latėnas
2017 Designer | N. Indriūnaitė THE STORIES OF FLOWERS (based on the book by A. Sakse) | Director N. Indriūnaitė, composer F. Latėnas
2016 Designer | S. Geda A GIRL AND A LARK THAT SINGS AND DANCES | Director A. Mikutis, composer O. Ditkovskis, choreographer A. Lisičkinaitė
2016 Designer | JUST A MAN (based on the works by J. Erlickas) | Scriptwriter and director D. Butkus, composer F. Latėnas
2012 Scriptwriter, director and designer | A TERRIBLY BEAUTIFUL TALE | Composer F. Latėnas
2012 Designer | PUSS IN BOOTS (based on the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault) | Director A. Mikutis
2010 Designer | J. Marcinkevičius THE WAR OF MUSHROOMS | Director A. Mikutis
2010 Designer | R. Mikutis THE ADVENTURES OF LIUNĖ | Director A. Grybauskaitė
2009 Scriptwriter, director and designer | A STAR HAS RISEN (based on the poems by A. Strazdas) | Composer F. Latėnas
2007 Designer | A. Gricius DOCTOR DOLITTLE (based on the books by H. Lofting) | Director R. Driežis
2005 Designer | N. Indriūnaitė THE WHITE TALES | Director N. Indriūnaitė
2002 Designer | S. Maršakas THE CAT‘S HOUSE | Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė, composer A. Kulikauskas, song author J. Čekatauskaitė
1999 Designer | S. Siudika THE THREE LITTLE PIGS (based on the works by S. Michalkov) | Director A. Mikutis
1998 Designer | V. Palčinskaitė THE UGLY DUCKLING | Director A. Pociūnas
1997 Designer | A. Gricius THE INCIDENT AND FOUR SPARROWS | Director A. Mikutis, composer S. Dikčiūtė
1991 Designer | J. Sang PESIS AND ILLUSION (based on the works by Y. Koko) | Director A. Mikutis, composer F. Latėnas
1990 Designer | ABOUT JOHNNIE (based on works by Žemaitė) | Scriptwriter and director R. Driežis
1985 Designer | K. Binkis THE HARE REVOLT | Libretto by E. Ignatavičius, director L. Lankauskaitė, puppet master Ž. Bautrėnas, composer B. Kutavičius
1984 Designer | THE ANIMALS’ CARNIVAL | Libretto by G. Mareckaitė, director L. Lankauskaitė, composers C. Saint-Saens and M. Urbaitis, choreographer J. Smoriginas
2016 Prize for Culture and Art of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
2012 Dalia Tamulevičiūtė’s professional theatre festival prize For Unexpected Interpretation of Children’s Performance for the performance The War of Mushrooms (Vilnius Theatre Lėlė)
2011 Theatre Festival We Play for the Farmers (Rokiškis) award for the performance The War of Mushrooms (Vilnius Theatre Lėlė)
2009 International Poznań Festival Kon-teksti (Poland) jury honour and Polunima (Union of Polish Dolls) diploma for the performance The White Tales (Vilnius Theatre Lėlė)
2007 Golden Stage Cross Award for masks, dolls and set design in the play Doctor Dolittle (Vilnius Theatre Lėlė)
2006 1st place in International Theatre Poster Competition (organizers – Lithuanian Artists’ Union, Lithuanian State Drama Theatre) for poster for Marionette Theatre Festival to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Stasys Ušinskas
2000 Theatre Festival We Play for the Farmers (Rokiškis) Award for the performance The Three Little Pigs (Vilnius Theatre Lėlė)