The story begins when Sir Reginald Mouse disappears from his apartment, the neighbors in the building advertise his room for rent… The ad attracts one prospective renter after another, but it turns out that finding a tenant is not so easy. As attractive as the apartment looks, the picky little creatures still do not like the neighbours! And there are all kinds of them – the Hen, the Cuckoo, the Cat and the Squirrel. It is a story of love (and sometimes hatred) not only for a creature just like you, but also for a creature seemingly completely opposite... About the possibility of accepting each other's differences with friendly curiosity and tenderness. And about harmony and relief when peace comes.

Leah Goldberg (1911 – 1970), a famous Jewish poetess, playwright, translator, and literature reviewer. Her entire childhood and youth until 1935 was spent in Lithuania. The artist’s hometown Kaunas has left a deep imprint on her work. In 1935, Leah Goldberg emigrated to Palestine and settled in Tel-Aviv. The tale ‘Room for Rent’ was published in 2022 by the publishing house ŽALIAS KALNAS – it is the first book of the poetess translated and published in Lithuanian. Leah Goldberg wrote in Hebrew. The tale was translated into Lithuanian by Antanas A. Jonynas and Nathan Gitkind.

Hungarian puppeteer and director Kata Csató graduated in puppetry from the Academy of Puppetry in Bialystok, Poland. She has worked successfully in various countries all over the world - Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Poland, as well as in Lithuania. She says: ‘Looking at the complex conflicts in the world and the terrible war in our neighbourhood, is it really worth rethinking what it means to live together. And how could we understand each other? This performance, like most of my work, is almost wordless. It is mostly expressed in a visual language that can be universally perceived.’