He was born in 1955, in Vilnius. O. Ditkovskis studied in the 35th Secondary School. In 1973-1983 he studied acting at the Lithuanian State Conservatory (now the Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy). In 1984-1989 he studied film directing at Moscow Institute of Cinematography. O. Ditkosvkis worked in Šiauliai Drama Theatre, State Youth Theatre in Vilnius, acted in various movies.
O. Ditkovskis is a well-known song writer and singer; the most popular lyrics he performs are based on the works by the Lithuanian poets: H. Radauskas, A. A. Jonynas, S. Geda, R. Danys, S. Bareikis
Music composed by O. Ditkovskis in Vilnius Theatre Lėlė:
2016 S. Geda A GIRL AND A LARK THAT SINGS AND DANCES | Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Paukštienė, choreographer S. Mikalauskaitė
2012 PUSS IN BOOTS (based on the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault) | Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Paukštienė
2010 J. Marcinkevičius THE WAR OF MUSHROOMS | Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Paukštienė
2009 K. I. Galchinsky THE LITTLE THEATRE OF THE GREEN GOOSE | Director and designer V. Mazūras
2001 S. Siudika THE PRINCESS AND THE SWINEHERD (based on the fairy tale by H. Ch. Andersen) | Director A. Mikutis, designer N. Keršulytė
1999 S. Siudika THE THREE LITTLE PIGS (based on the works by S. Michalkov) | Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Paukštienė